Tell us: are you shielding and unable to receive the Covid vaccine?
With over 20 million people having received a first dose of the vaccination against Covid in the UK, some members of the population who have been shielding are unable to receive the jab due to health conditions.
We would like to hear from those who are shielding and unable to be vaccinated against Covid.
Share your experiences
What are the reasons for you not being able to receive the jab? How do you feel about the vaccine being relied upon for the reopening of society?
You can get in touch by filling in the form below or via WhatsApp by clicking here or adding the contact +44(0)7867825056. Your responses are secure as the form is encrypted and only the Guardian has access to your contributions. One of our journalists will be in contact before we publish, so please do leave contact details.
If you’re having trouble using the form, click here. Read terms of service here.